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  • egarrett59

Choosing the Right People to Grow Your Consulting Business

Updated: Jun 18, 2020

We have many people we work with: clients, employees, subcontractors, partners, etc. As in all good working relationships there is give-and-take. Finding quality people that can compliment your business and skill sets is not always easy and will involve some time and energy.  Follow these three skill set guidelines to help you make the right choices:

  1.  They should have a passion for ideas

  2.  The right person should have a passion for client service

  3.  Most importantly, they should have a passion for people

When working with people, actively look to understand what their core competencies are and how else you might be able to use their services. When things are not working out try and figure out why and if it is not a good fit, why not?  Is the person better suited to something else?  Take the time to learn from each experience.

Consulting work is stimulating and the pay can be excellent.  Doing a good job today in finding a career that matches your values and skill set is an investment that will pay off for many years to come, so keep this in mind when looking for people that share similar values and trends.

Also, when you consider ‘your people’ consider the other businesses that are in your same supply chain for clients. Don’t under estimate the power of related service providers. These related businesses can be valuable referral partners for you. Find the ones that have similar philosophies and develop strong working relationships.

Also, be sure to look for people to delegate responsibility to while you focus on building your business. Always remember, you don’t have to do everything yourself.

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